Rais Nexo Gas 120
Rais Nexo Gas 120
Rais Nexo Gas 120
Rais Nexo Gas 120
Rais Nexo Gas 120
Rais Nexo Gas 120

Rais Nexo Gas 120

gas stove
Rais Nexo 120 small gas stove
  • Heats up to 1,000 square feet
  • 8,000-31,000 BTU
  • NG or LP
  • Intermittent Pilot Ignition (Electronic Ignition)
  • Direct Vent
  • Can Rear Vent
  • 3-sided viewing

The Rais Nexo Gas is the epitome of minimalism and clean lines allowing for a big flame picture. This free-standing gas fireplace has a serene and beautiful view of the flames encased in glass on 3-sides.  Thermostatic remote with automated features for your convenience. 

2-burner system allows you to turn half the burner off in order to reduce the flames and heat output

Select the color, and top plate – Nexo 120 GAS comes in one height (48 1/2")  Choose the Nexo 120 for additional height over the Nexo 100


Manufacturer's Website
